Grapevine Beaded Necklace by Meredith Weaver

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Step 1: String 40 inches of beads onto the spool of silk thread (do not cut the thread)

Note: You must do this project with a good amount of tension to create the grapevine effect.

Row 1: Make a slip knot, slide a bead next to the slip knot, yo and pull through lp, *slide a bead next to stitch just made, yo and pull through lp*. Rep. from * to * until you finish the 40 inches of beads or until the desired length of necklace is achieved. (This particular pattern creates a choker length necklace of approximately 16 inches).

To finish:

Using Clasp: Secure the last sc with a knot, tie the silk thread to the clasp and secure with glue.

Using Button: After the last bead sc, ch 5 and sl st into 1st ch, making a loop for the button. Depending on the size of the button you may need to make the loop larger or smaller. Sew the button to the opposite side.

Note: The bracelet shown in the photograph is created in the same way using 20-25 inches of beads.