Original Designs Needed for Our Fundraising Calendar!

The New York City Crochet Guild is holding an original design contest. If you're one of our twelve finalists, we'll feature your design in our crochet calendar for 2004.

We need your designs! The New York City Crochet Guild is holding an original design contest. If you're one of our twelve finalists, we'll feature your design in our crochet calendar for 2004. This is a great opportunity to be creative and to help out the Guild.

Have your finished crochet design ready for the September 4th meeting. You must supply the complete written pattern with your entry. Designs without the written pattern will not be accepted for entry into the contest. Type or word process the title of your design, your name and the pattern . Please double space all patterns. Please highlight for us the main motif or stitch used in your pattern. If you need help writing your pattern, we'll find someone to help you, so don't let that stop you from entering. Be sure to let a Board member know if you would like this sort of assistance. If you aren't able to attend the meeting, send your finished design with a friend or arrange to send it to one of the Board members. You don't need to be present to enter your design

. You may enter as many designs as you like. However, only one of your designs may win. We'll also put your full pattern on our website for the year 2004. Due to the size of the calendar (4 11/16 in. X 5 5/16 in-the size of a CD case), we won't be able to print the entire pattern on the back. Instead, we'll print the title of the design, your name, and the pattern for the main motif or stitch used in the pattern. If your full pattern is lengthy, we'll include a password on the back of the pattern with directions for the customer to go to the NYC Crochet Guild website where they'll be able to download the full, password protected pattern. If the customer doesn't have web access, we'll mail them the full written instructions.

 Remember, this is a calendar. Don't forget about seasonal items, holidays, summer and back-to-school. We'll accept designs for afghans, scarves, sweaters, hats, doilies, bags, socks, mittens, swimwear, jewelry to name a few. Please remember that you may not use a previously published pattern and only change the yarn or the color of the yarn or the stitch. That isn't an original design. Also, because we have limited space in the calendar for printing, try to work in a repeating stitch(es) or motif. This is the pattern we'll print on the back of the design. If your pattern is short, we'll print the entire pattern in the calendar.

At the September meeting, all members present will vote on the designs. Everyone may vote for 12 designs and those 12 receiving the most votes will be featured in the calendar. We'll also display the 12 winning designs at the KnitOut/Crochet 2003. This will help advertise the calendar! While we will not sell them at the KnitOut/Crochet 2003 (there is a firm no-sales policy), we can certainly raise interest and awareness of how, where and when it may be purchased.

The calendars should be ready for us to sell by the end of October, just in time for the holiday season. Several yarn stores have agreed to sell the calendar for us. All members will need to help sell, even if it's just one for your own stocking! We are also looking into professional photographers to help us make this a really beautiful calendar that we'll all be proud to own.

If you don't want to design but would like to participate, there are many ways you can pitch in! We'll need pattern writers to help those who don't know how to write patterns. We'll need pattern testers to make sure the patterns are accurate. We'll need props for the photo shoot as each photo will need to be styled. Perhaps you can help us by finding venues where we can sell such as malls, church bazaars or yarn and craft stores in your neighborhood.

So, get busy, get crafty, get designing, get crocheting! September 4th is just around the corner!

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