Knit-Out Crochet 2003 - September 21, 2003

We have several members who will be doing demonstrations this year: Tatyana Mirer and Olga Kreidlik will be demonstrating Irish Crochet from 12-12.30 and Solomon’s Knot from 1-1.30. Willena Nanton will do Crochet with Fashion Yarns and Barbara Hillery will demonstrate Free Form Crochet (since Margaret Hubert, who did it last year, will be in Australia).

Crochet Starts: We need many more of these, so we will devote August’s meeting to making more starts. We will also have a Crochet’n’Chat on Saturday, August 23rd and will make more then. If you would like to make starts at home at your leisure, yarn and hooks can be picked up from the Lion Brand Yarn office at 34 W. 15th St., 1st floor during office hours.

Crochet Teaching: This year the Learn to Crochet area will be separate from the Learn to Knit area. They have asked us to take charge and to have two or three captains who will keep this area running smoothly. We need volunteers, for both teachers and captains. Please contact Willena or Barbara if you or someone you know is interested in teaching.

NYCCG Table: We will need one or two people to oversee and other members to help out at the NYCCG table—display, bring display aids, staffing throughout the day and clean up at the end. We will continue to circulate sign up sheets at the August meeting. Please be thinking about how you can help staff our table through the day and clean up at the end.


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