Holiday Craft Sales

We expect to start working on our annual holiday raffle soon and will need donations of raffle items and a few helpful hands to make raffle tickets. Please let Barbara know if you are available for this task.

We will also participate in at least two holiday craft fairs, selling our goods to fundraise for the Guild. This year we are suggesting that we limit our items to many permutations of a few basics like hats, scarves, bags, cell phone holders—all sizes, colors and fibers. We will have more information in the next newsletter about this and some suggested patterns, but if you’d like to get started on these items now, that would be great. If you need yarn to use for these projects, please contact Barbara before the next meeting. Please tag these items with fiber used and approximate size where appropriate.

We have been invited to participate in Good Shepherd’s annual Holiday Boutique to be held on November 22nd. This is a good opportunity to mingle with the folks who provide our monthly meeting space, as well as fundraise for the Guild. We need a couple of volunteers to staff the table—basically sell calendars and holiday gift items for a few hours that day. Please contact Barbara if you are available and willing.

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