Charity Information

Note: When you bring donations to the Guild meetings to be redistributed to the appropriate charity, please put a tag on your donation with your name, the charity you would like it to go to, the fiber content and cleaning instructions.

1. Linda Gerstein is working with "Heschel Warms Up Dorot" to make blankets for the Homelessness Prevention Program. Sixteen 7" x 9" rectangles will make one lap throw. To donate squares or blankets to Dorot's Homelessness Prevention Program, send them to: Linda Gerstein, 440 West End Ave., 14E, NY NY 10024.

Heschel Warms Up Dorot has nearly forty blankets completed. The exciting thing is, it may segue into an ongoing knit and crochet cafe at Dorot. A 91-year-old visitor to Dorot named Selma gave us piles of knitted squares. She loved the project--she could work on the squares while watching TV at night, they were small and easy to carry, and she liked having something productive to do. We've talked with the head of volunteer services about presenting the blankets at the HPP (Homelessness Prevention Program) holiday party.

2. The November meeting is our last chance to help Kathy Kean who is crocheting hats for the homeless at St. Christopher's Inn in Garrison, NY. Her goal is to have 150 hats by November 1st, and she will happily accept your contributions. Please make hats in washable guy colors and sizes and give them to Kathy at the next meeting.

3. Marilyn Esposito is happy to accept Project Linus donations. If you have any blankets or children’s crocheted items you would like to donate to Project Linus, please bring them to the next meeting and give them to Marilyn.

4. Ellen Bowrosen crochets small bits of yarn into circles (like granny’s daughters) and sends them to be assembled into blankets and other charity items. She is happy to receive any donation of yarn, no matter how small.

5. Beth Israel Hospital, located at 16th St. and 1st Ave. in Manhattan, needs volunteers to make blankets for babies in neonatal intensive care. They should be 32 inches square, made of soft, washable yarn in baby colors. If you have a donation to make, contact Laurie at (212) 420-2733 x22. (If you need it, she can also provide yarn.)

6.  Snuggles donations to our local animal shelter. There is a Bide-A-Wee animal shelter on 38th St. and First Avenue, where Barbara Hillery got her wonderful cat. Snuggles are wonderful to make, because animals don’t care if you’ve made a mistake or whether you use your best yarn (in fact you shouldn’t)--they just appreciate not sitting on cold concrete. Use a rugged, washable yarn in a dense stitch—no holes of any sort. Size can be anywhere from 1 to 3 feet square. Ends should be knotted and woven in very well, as these take a beating when used and laundered.

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