From the President

When I started this Guild in March of 2001, it was because there was no place in NYC for an intermediate or advanced crocheter to be with others at the same level. I had looked all over the City and all I could find were beginner classes. At our first few meetings, the din of conversation and the excited exchange of ideas with others who spoke our language was amazing—we were so excited to meet each other.

In the past two and a half years, we have learned so much from each other, from workshops and gatherings of all sorts. 24 of us became teachers ourselves.

It seems we have come full circle. At our last meeting we had 15 first-time guests and many of you told us you are beginners. When I passed around a form of “things you want us to know,” a good number of you asked for help with pattern reading.

Now it is time for those of us who have enjoyed learning so much these past few years to turn and teach those who are just beginning. That’s what it’s all about.

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