Knit-Out, Crochet 2003 - A Thank You

[Note: This was an email I received after the KOC. Printed with permission. –Barbara]

Dear Barbara,

I wanted to thank you again for “mobilizing” the talents of members of the New York City Crochet Guild to assist with teaching at Knit-Out & Crochet 2003. We have sent thank you notes to all of the volunteers who checked in at the registration desk, but just in case some of them did not stop by the desk, please convey our special thanks and the following letter:

With your help the Fifth Annual Knit-Out & Crochet 2003 held last month in Union Square Park was a tremendous success. The main goal of Knit-Out has always been to teach a new generation to crochet and knit and teach we did! Estimates were that close to 1,000 people learned to crochet and knit. Here’s one note, which was typical of those received:

Just a quick note to thank you for a fabulous event in NYC on Sunday, 9/21!!! It was my first time attending the Knit Out and it was better than I even imagined it’d be! My friend is just learning to knit and crochet and she loved it, too. She got a lesson and the volunteer was very patient and would have spent the whole afternoon helping her learn to cast on and purl! Thanks again, A. Dener

Many of the changes to the Learn to Crochet and Knit areas, such as creating two tents, were extremely well received and waiting time on lines was greatly reduced. Many of you have made suggestions about ways to make next year’s event even better. We invite your comments at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your talents.

Best regards,
Mary Colucci
Executive Director


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