Fundraiser Calendar 2005 - It's Here!

First, let me congratulate everyone who participated in the New York City Crochet Guild 2004 Calendar project! From the designers to everyone who participated in sales, pattern testing, advertising, promotion, photo shoot, pattern book design and printing, and proofreading; it was a great success! While, we didn’t make a lot of money on our first calendar, we did manage to break even because many of our members contributed their talents and abilities for free.

Our original plan was to order 100 calendars. We placed an order for 300 calendars. At this point in time, we only have 70 calendars left. We sold twice the amount of calendars we thought we would sell! And, great news! We still have opportunities to continue selling into 2004 through the TNNA conference, end of January 2004, through Gwen Blakley Kinsler, who has volunteered to promote our calendar at the CGOA booth. Also, the National CGOA website has the calendar link featured in three different locations on the web site since the last week of December 2003. We also had an article regarding the 2004 calendar in the CGOA ENEWS in December 2003. We expect a partial article in the Crochet! Magazine CGOA insert for the January/February issue. Melanie Mays did a postcard mailing to 80 yarn stores scattered around the country. Jo Ann Segreto, Anna Morgan and Barb Hillery got our calendar into several local yarn stores. Pete at Yearbox set up a separate “wholesale” web page that yarn stores can order from at a discounted price for the next couple of months. Every little bit of publicity helps, though we expect that sales will be modest through these venues.

So, what did we learn?

  1. We are a very talented group!
  2. We need more volunteers----from designs to props to copying to promotion. You name it, we need your help NYCCG members!
  3. We need to start earlier on the New York City Crochet Guild Calendar 2005! Why?
    1. We need more time to test patterns!  
    2. We need more volunteers to test patterns! (It’s not fair to Willena to do it all!!!!)
    3. If we start earlier, we can photograph by July. Then Yearbox can get started on production so that we have a calendar by end of August, first of September.
    4. If we start earlier, perhaps Barb, Willena and Melanie won’t have to stay up until the crack of dawn getting printed patterns proofed and in shape for Yearbox to print! (Though I have to say, I did enjoy our 1am phone/email conversations, Barb!)
  4. What does earlier availability mean to us? SALES!!!!!!! PROFIT!!!!!!!!   
    1. We can have a real Calendar 2005 sample for Knit/Out Crochet 2004! We can take orders!
    2. We can sell to stores in time for the holidays and offer a wholesale price to them (and still make a buck or two profit for NYCCG.)
    3. We can sell at outdoor markets, boutiques and booths at conferences!
    4. We can advertise at CGOA convention! Maybe even have a sample of the Calendar 2005 available. (At least the 2004 calendar should be displayed!)
    5. We can get NYCCG members to help with advertising on crochet chat groups. Did you know there are 648 Yahoo! Crochet chat groups that know nothing about our calendar? All we have to do is let the group leader know! This is a project for several members with web access. (It’s not too late to promote our 2004 calendar this way!) Just send them to to preview and purchase the calendar. We need to sell our 2004 stock!


Get designing for Calendar 2005!!!!!! The New York City Crochet Guild is holding an original design contest, open to all paid members! If you’re one of our finalists, we’ll feature your design in our crochet calendar for 2005.

Have your finished crochet design ready for the June 3rd, 2004 meeting. You must supply the complete written pattern with your entry. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! Designs without the written pattern will not be accepted for entry into the contest. Type or word process the title of your design, your name and the pattern. Please double space all patterns. If you need help writing your pattern, we’ll find someone to help you, so don’t let that stop you from entering. Be sure to let a Board member know if you’ll need this sort of assistance. If you aren’t able to attend the meeting, send your finished design with a friend or arrange to send it to one of the Board members. You don’t need to be present to enter your design.

You may enter as many designs as you like. However, this year, only one of your designs may win. There are 12 months, plus a cover design. We may decide to use more than 13 patterns if we think we can group patterns together, like we did for the 2004 calendar. We may try to do a full size calendar as well as a CD size calendar for 2005. We are currently looking in to this. We’ll make full patterns available in a pattern book that’s sold for an extra charge, plus the full pattern will be available for free--password protected on our web site---at . The designer will get a byline, plus the title of the design.

Remember, this is a calendar. Don’t forget about seasonal items, the holidays, summer and back-to-school. We’ll accept designs for afghans, scarves, sweaters, hats, doiles, socks, mittens, swimwear, jewelry to name a few. It would be great to get more afghan designs and baby items—booties, baby sweaters. Also, we got great feedback from the “wearable” items from Knit/Out crochet. Any crocheted dress or skirt patterns out there? Please remember that you may not use a published pattern. You must submit an original design.

June 3rd will be here before you know it!!!!! (Though I must admit, I crocheted my sweater one week before last year’s contest during my move to Tallahassee, FL.)

If you want to volunteer to help in some way, email me at WE NEED YOU!!!!!

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